I love it when I end up at a gem of a website/blog after clicking idly on a chain of links. A normal Saturday morning for me. :)
Recently, I ended up at a stranger's blog and was very, very inspired. This person said that she's the type of person who just cannot wait to go to work. She wakes up in the morning, excited to go to school/work! I wish I could be like that!
Sometimes I wonder if I could ever really feel that way about Pharmacy.. But after much thought, I realize how very possible this is. I just need to keep reminding myself that I am helping people. I am helping people heal from pain, manage diseases, eliminate infections, and live longer. How awesome is that? HOW AWESOME!!!
I love school. Namely, I usually love the classes that most people hate the most-- like Biochemistry and Drug Delivery. I love these classes because it makes me feel like I'm thinking. From now on, I will engage in my studies even more. I will enjoy learning again. I will be excited to go to work/school!!!!!!!!
It's already noon, and it is nearing the end of my Spring Break. I wish David and I could have done more this past week, in terms of having fun-- but I can't deny that we really did rest well. Staying at home and doing nothing is sometimes more refreshing and rejuvenating than being cramped in an airplane for 10 hours to go somewhere. But next time, I hope we can go somewhere. I've been itching to do something cool. :)
I can't wait to go to church today. I wonder what the Lord has in store for me to learn and savor today. I am so thankful for my church and my pastor. Every Sunday, I feel like I see Scripture in a new, refreshing, life-changing way. I'm also so thankful for my husband for caring for me and my relationship with God!!!! He is leading a study on TULIP at home, every Thursday now! This past Thursday was a blast. I have so many questions, and I hope to receive answers for them.
While David was praying for us before doing the study, he said something that really struck me. He said, "Lord, please guide me as I lead our first family worship-- something that we will continue for the rest of our lives, and someday with more members-- our children..."
I am starting to see marriage as a start of a new family. It's hard to see marriage in this light, since David and I are kinda far from having children at this point.. but knowing that this is what we're in for, I have a new sense of excitement for marriage, for life, for knowing the gospel.. and enjoying LIFE!