1. When I don't know how to answer a question because a) I don't know the answer b) the question is stupid or nonsensical and/or c) the answer is too complicated.
Examples of such questions:
- What if we were born in another Universe as upside down, flashing, homosexual triangles?
- How come you've never visited Chile?
2. When someone brags but also tries to make it seem like they're not, aka false humility
- Oh my gawd, I'm such a nerd because I read the newspaper today!
read: Will you please think that I am smart??
- Ugh, I can't stand this room! I'm such a neat freak!
read: Hey, I want you to know that I'm soooooo organized!
- Why don't you try to get a job at my company? I think it's what you're looking for. It's really competitive though......."
- read: I know you wish you had my job.
3. When I feel lost about something, and find out that the reason I was confused is that there are actually more than one possible answer.
Does the period go before the quotation like "Hello."
Or does it go after the quotation, like "Hello".
Well actually, it depends on if you're using MLA rules or Chicago rules. Both are legitimate.
4. When random people take it upon themselves to become a self-appointed public announcer (once or twice is fine, but all the time is kind of icky..)
- Stay out of the heat everyone, it's supposed to be hot today!
- For those of you who don't know, there is a famine in Africa.
- Everyone, stay away from plastic containers! It's bad for your health!
5. When people/bandwagoners say everything is their "favorite," when in fact, it's also everybody else's favorite.
- Glee? Glee is my FAVORITE!
- Chocolate is my FAVORITE!
- Summers are my FAVORITE !
- Saturday is my FAVORITE day of the week!
- Cupcakes are my FAVORITE!
6. Not funny people trying to be funny, or people who get jokes late (usually, they are girls.)
- (Posted link of a very outdated viral sensation on YouTube) Haha, isn't this funny??
- Oooooh, haha, I get it nowwwwwwww.
7. When people (like David, haha) don't punctuate when chatting or writing e-mails.
Hey there!
- hi
How's it going lately?
- good and you
Really good! :) Anything new?
- not really anything new as usual
OK! well, it was great talking with ya.. :)
- yeah catch you later ill call you later
8. People who insist on calling everyone by terms of endearment no matter how insincere it sounds
- Hey sweetie, how have you been sweetie?
- Welcome to GAP sweetie! Let me know if you need anything. (This actually happened today. My goodness, I loathe the word "sweety/sweetie.")
9. Small rooms
10. One sided conversations
11. Competitive/not chill systems, attitudes, human beings
12. Paper cuts
13. Tired feet
14. Really salty food
15. "Humor" that degrades the disabled people, dads, or obese people (they are my soft spots..)
16. Keeping up with the Jones' kind of crowds.. I try to stay away from them. :)